Wont Get Fooled Again Scream Time
This occurs when a graphic symbol or characters falls for a trick, scam, con, attack, etc. but does non autumn for information technology a second fourth dimension. Their opponent or antagonist may try the same thing once more because they retrieve the person either won't call up information technology from earlier or is completely incapable of learning from experience.
This is the reason why con artists and scammers have to keep seeking out new marks; in reality people do wise up, acquire from experience, and tend to be more than cautious. Unremarkably.
Sister trope to Trojan Horse and Faux Flag Functioning. Frequently found in war machine fiction where defensive feints and diversionary tactics are mutual. Genre Savvy is definitely involved and Also Dumb to Fool can sometimes come into play. This can hands backfire on a character and have them falling for a Kansas City Shuffle in their determination non to become fooled. See Super Gullible for those who do get fooled again. Look for It Only Works In one case to peradventure come up into play.
Exemplified in the proverb "Fool me one time, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Not related to the song by The Who for which information technology was named, but the same principle applies.
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Anime And Manga
- Naruto: Deidara was recruited into the Akatsuki subsequently Itachi defeated him using genjutsu cast by his Sharingan. Years later, infuriated by his loss, Deidara rigorously trained his left eye to resist genjutsu, utilizing it in his battle against Sasuke using his Sharingan and declaring that he won't fall for the same trick twice. Unfortunately, Deidara nonetheless ends upward existence Out-Gambitted by Sasuke even without the latter having to utilize genjutsu.
- Pokémon: Averted when Ash Ketchum and his friends near always fail to recognize Team Rocket'south easily noticeable Paper-Thin Disguises.
Comic Books
- Nick Fury: During Globe War 2, Nick was challenged to a duel by Businesswoman Strucker. Fury accepted, and Strucker proposed they drink a gentlemanly toast to each other earlier dueling. Strucker secretly drugged Nick's drink (although you lot'd call back Fury would have been savvy enough to know better that to have a drink from a sworn enemy) and Fury lost the duel. When they met upward once more, Strucker once once again challenged Fury to a duel. Fury accepted, but passed on the potable and thoroughly kicked Strucker'south donkey.
- Spider-Man: Spidey once beat the Vulture by burdensome the powerpack to his wingsuit. In a subsequent see, Spidey tried the aforementioned tactic, but to find that the Vulture had booby-trapped it and so that anyone touching it would receive a astringent electrical daze that knocked them out. Of grade, his spider-sense didn't warn him in time considering the effectiveness of his spider-sense is subject to Depending on the Writer.
Alive Action Moving-picture show
- Brightburn: Brandon'southward father, aware that his adopted son is really an alien who is slowly developing terrifying powers, takes Brandon on a hunting trip. While there, he attempts to kill Brandon by shooting him in the head. Brandon is now invulnerable, and so the bullet has no consequence. After beingness temporarily horrified that his adopted begetter tried to murder him, Brandon uses his heat vision to impale him. Later, Brandon's adopted mother is hugging Brandon and promising to never do annihilation to hurt him, while stealthily getting fix to stab him in the dorsum with a shard from the alien spacecraft he arrived in, which was the only thing capable of cut him. Brandon isn't fooled for a moment and easily deflects her assault, so kills her.
- The Dark Knight: the Joker kidnaps Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes and forces Batman to decide which to save before twin bombs go off and kill them both. Batman races to Rachel'south location... And finds Harvey there instead, resulting in Rachel's death. At the climax, Joker'south clown henchmen hold a group of hostages in a construction site; knowing Joker's penchant for Bait-and-Switch now, Batman deduces that the clowns switched dress with the hostages and defeats them.
- Thor: Averted and played directly with Thor and Loki. Loki habitually creates illusions of himself. Thor attacks the illusions and then many times that Loki once sarcastically wondered if Thor was always going to not fall for information technology. However, by Thor: The Dark Earth, Thor had wised up considerably and no longer fell for Loki's illusions so easily.
- Thor's graphic symbol development continues in Thor: Ragnarok. Loki tries to betray Thor to the Grandmaster by creating an illusion so he can secretly go and activate the alert. Even so, Thor explains that's exactly what he expected, revealing he stuck a FOB device on Loki and promptly electrocutes him.
- In Penelope Lively's The Ghost of Thomas Kempe, the protagonists try to capture the poltergeist of the title in a bottle. Unfortunately for them, that was the aforementioned technique used the last fourth dimension he was temporarily confined, and he's not going to exist caught the same way twice.
Alive Action TV
- In that location is a Farscape episode that is actually named Won't Become Fooled Once more. In information technology, John finds himself on World for the second time. As the offset time was a fob by aliens, he assumes the 2nd time is too, and is extremely wary. It turns out non to matter, since he notwithstanding can't escape the simulation anyway. And then, in a subsequently episode, he finds himself on Earth for a third time. By this signal, he holds his father at gunpoint until he answers some trivia.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: In i episode Nog makes certain to stay backside Garak while they're lone together...
GARAK: You're deliberately staying behind me and I desire to know why. Does this have anything to do with that unfortunate business between you and me last year?
NOG: Yous tied me up and threatened to kill me.
GARAK: There were extenuating circumstances.
NOG: It happened. And then you can either stay in forepart of me or walk beside me, merely I won't turn my back on you again.
GARAK: Cadet, there may exist hope for you yet.
- Star Trek: The Original Serial: in "Friday'southward Child", the episode has the Federation competing with the Klingon Empire for the allegiance of Capella 4, which has valuable resources that both sides need. While Kirk, Spock, and McCoy on the planet, the Enterprise receives a distress phone call which they investigate. It was found to be a ruse to describe the Enterprise abroad. Scotty, who was in control while Kirk and Spock were absent, figured it out when he listened to the distress telephone call again and realized that they were calling specifically for the Enterprise, non a general distress signal to anyone who heard it. Upon returning to Capella iv, another distress telephone call came, from farther abroad. Scotty refuses to answer this second call, telling Uhura to ignore it and record in the log that it was his decision and his responsibility. He then cites the erstwhile Earth saying: "Fool me once, shame on yous. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Web Original
- The get-go video of Dream'due south "Minecraft Speedrunner vs. 3 Hunters" series culminates in Bad managing to successfully kill Dream through an End spawn trap. In the fifth, the same tactic is used: a shame on the hunters that Dream wises up and defuses it via TNT.
- Subverted in Free Apple tree
by Worthikids. Subsequently getting tricked by the demonic shopkeep into taking a poison apple in one case, the king figures that the demon will offer him the apple once again and tells him that he has wised up and won't accept the apple just for the shopkeep to offering a banana which the king takes.
Western Blitheness
- Futurama: Parodied in "Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love?" when Zoidberg keeps tricking Amy into removing the rubber bands on his claws then he doesn't go crazy again.
Amy: Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WontGetFooledAgain
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